In all of the exploring, playing and creating we do during our time here, we sometimes get “grumbly” tummies! To alleviate this problem, we offer snack each class time. Snack time also helps us remember to pray before eating, learn good table manners and learn to clean up after ourselves. Parents are asked to help supply snacks, but it is not required. Parents bringing snacks are encouraged to bring in healthy snacks as we strive to teach healthy habits and provide the fuel children need for growth and play. A list of suggestions follows, but feel free to be creative:
- Bagels/cream cheese
- Goldfish crackers
- Grapes, bananas, apples, oranges
- Granola bars
- Graham crackers
- Dried fruit (bananas, raisins, etc)
- Pretzels
- Fruit cups
- Animal Crackers (Barnums are peanut free)
- Yogurt
- String cheese
- milk, 100% juice (we will have water available at all times)
The school will provide cups, plates, napkins and utensils for the snacks.
Please try to avoid snacks such a chips, cookies, cupcakes, Little Debbie’s treats etc. Those are not as healthy for our children. Birthdays are the exception. However, we will need for any edible birthday treats to be purchased from a bakery or store. Due to health restrictions this year we will not be able to accept homemade treats.
Also, parents can send regular snacks in original packaging and our teachers will divide and serve. Parents should not open and package snacks. Thanks!
Please note that helping out with snacks is a fun way for children to share and it helps keep costs down at the school, but it is optional.
Our Stepping Stones Extension and Kindergarten Exploration classes eat lunch with us. If a child is signed up for these programs, it will be the responsibility of his/her parents to send a healthy lunch from home with the child. Please include cold packs and thermoses to keep items cold or hot. We will not have the ability to heat items.
*Please also note that we do have many food allergies in our school. Please check with your teacher to see if any specific precautions pertain to your child’s class. As a rule, it is always smart to avoid any peanut or other nut products. A more detailed snack list may come home with your child. Thanks for your understanding in this matter! Thank you for your support and cooperation!